Simply put, leadership essentially involves inspiring a sense of possibility in others, leading a team and organisation towards the fulfilment of shared goals, and bringing about new outcomes. The outcomes experienced, impacts made, and future realised are generated by the actions taken, or not taken by a leader.
However, looking deeply into what motivates leaders to choose and execute their actions, as well as the underlying factors that shape the outcome of such actions, is often neglected.
Such scrutiny lies within the realms that are widely regarded as fuzzy or internal and deep, realms deemed for psychologists and not learning and performance development practitioners. Therefore, we tend to look at leadership as purely external actions producing external results and neglect to examine our internal states which produce those external results. We look at a leader as a human doing, rather than as a human being.
As an Ontological approach-trained coach, I deeply resonate with our ‘being human is where it starts’ philosophy at encountas. Ontological coaching highlights the importance of understanding our humanness, examining our assumptions, beliefs, moods, emotions, and physical state – our way of being, with a focus on the who as the precursor to better comprehending the what, why, and how of the person.
By taking a step back to observe and become aware of “who am I being”, you can then begin to work on any meaningful transformation from the leader I am today, to the leader I believe I can become, moving forward.
How you show up, how others experience you, and who you are being as a person is reflected in your body, emotions, and language, both internal and external. Each domain is distinct, yet they interact together to provide the experience of who you are in each, any, or all of the roles you perform in life.
It is your way of being that shapes and colours the conversations you have and the actions you take, or don’t take, which in turn shapes and colours your results, outcomes and the desired life and future you experience (or don’t).
When you pay close attention and become aware of how you show up in your body, the emotions and moods you live in, the language you communicate with, the internal stories you tell yourself, and the conversations you have with others, you can better make sense of the results, outcomes, the whole gamut of experience you are having at work and in your life.
This new awareness opens up possibilities for different actions for more effective leadership and for experiencing different outcomes, such as professional satisfaction, success and meaning for you in your role as a leader.
• How are problems framed?
• Who am I as a leader today?
• What moods do I live in?
• What stories do I tell myself and others?
• How do I project my physical presence?
• Where am I as a leader?
• Am I contributing value?
• Is it meaningful for me and others?
• Who do I believe I can be?
• Where do I want to go?
• What is stopping me?
The obvious yet profound truth is that all actions and outcomes are generated by conversations, whether they are internal, the stories you tell yourself, or external, the stories we tell each other. Simply put – change your conversations – change your life!
As Bob Dunham, Founder of the Institute of Generative Leadership (IGL) states:
“Our success, or not, in business or in life is a function of the conversations we are having, not having and how well we are having them”.
The quality, nature, and colour of our conversations, and how we hold these conversations are a clear reflection of our way of being. The possibilities we want to create, start, or end in these conversations.
So imagine if your inner state and way of being is caring, idealistic and ambitious.
What do your conversations, actions, and outcomes generated look and feel like?
What would they look like if you are being cynical, resentful, or fearful?
As with all of our coaching and learning experiences, we invite you to be open, curious, and courageous and take the road less travelled on the journey into self.
Is the leader you are being today, the conversations you hold, the actions you take, generating the results, experiences, and future you desire? What different and new way of being, and hence doing, would be more conducive and effective to generating your desired outcomes and future?
Only when you see and become aware of who you are being as a leader, and as a human being, can you begin to move yourself, the team and organisation to achieve desired outcomes. Only then will this journey of transformation truly begin.